Global Ambedkarites

Documents related to granting of museum status to Ambedkar House, London

Documents related to granting of museum status to Ambedkar House, London

Documents related to granting of museum status to Ambedkar House, London

Documents related to granting of museum status to Ambedkar House, London

Documents related to granting of museum status to Ambedkar House, London

Documents submitted by AIM, London:

List of documents submitted by AIM, London requesting intervention to urge Camden Council to grant the necessary planning consent to preserve the sanctity and legacy of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Letter requesting Hon Robert Jenrick MP intervention 

Letter  requesting Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon intervention 

Letter requesting Her Excellency Ruchi Ghanashyam

Grant of Museum status to Ambedkar House, London:

Letter by AIM, London thanking Hon Robert Jenrick (Secretary of State for Housing) for his invention to grant  the change of use of 10 King Henry’s Road to a Museum.


Judgmentregarding the Ambedkar House given museum status:

Formal Decision:

Formal decision granting museum status to Ambedkar House, London

List of Appearances:

List of appearances

List of inquiry documents:

List of inquiry documents submitted