The following is from serious of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar QUESTION 1: Why don’t Dalits acknowledge the Brahmin teacher of Ambedkar who gave him the knowledge and also his surname? ANSWER: Brahmins say that Bhimrao Ambedkar was given a Brahmin Surname. It seems to many Ambedkarites that the Brahmins will next popularise Dr Ambedkar to be […]
The following is from serious of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar There are three points arising from the question, which must be discussed in order to correctly answer the question. FIRST POINT: The concept of surnames was introduced to Indians by the colonials and surnames can be changed. Indians had no concept of surname […]
The following is from serious of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar I assume by ‘Brahmin teacher’ you mean the teacher that the Biographer, a Brahmin sympathisr, Ananth Vitthal (pen name Dhananjay Keer) mentions in his biography of Dr Ambedkar. If the young Bhimrao Ambedkar’s teacher didn’t hate him, he certainly […]
QUESTION: Are there any surviving Brahmins with the surname Ambedkar? If no, doesn’t this indicate that Ambedkar is not a Brahmin surname? ANSWER: I have been asking this question for several years now and to date have not come across anyone who knows of any Brahmin with the surname Ambedkar. I have come across many instances […]
ANSWER: Brahmins say that Bhimrao Ambedkar was given a Brahmin Surname. It seems to many Ambedkarites that the Brahmins will next popularise Dr Ambedkar to be a brilliant Brahmin.. Firstly, the question doesn’t make sense, once the meaning of the word dalit is understood What is the exact meaning of hindi word Dalit? Secondly, the question […]
Why did the need to ask this question arise? People with the surname Ambedkar do not belong to any caste. Nor did the most famous Ambedkar (Dr BR Ambedkar), the social reformer who fought for a casteless society belonged to any caste. Read one of his undelivered speeches, ‘Annihilation of caste’. ‘Ambedkar’ is not a caste. Nor is that […]
When a person asks such a question, the answer to which is readily available, then: Either 1. The questioner has a harmful motive, usually to degrade or belittle someone Or 2. She/he has fallen prey to false and doubt creating information by someone from the privileged classes causing confusion, in this case by the Brahmins […]
By default, it is extremely difficult if not impossible for Tamil Brahmins to accept either of the two greats, Dr.Ambedkar or Periyar. This question is a deliberate attempt to saffronise Dr.Ambedkar and vilify Periyar. Most of the other answers to this questions are misleading the reader because the stated facts are either distorted or manufactured. […]