20th August marks the Birth Anniversary of James Prinsep who deciphered the Asokan script, Dhammalipi. Salute to the great man on his Birth Anniversary, without whose efforts we never may have heard of Dhamma lipi and Asoka The Great. Born on 20th August 1799, Prinsep was a man of remarkable intellect and unwavering dedication to […]
A Message to My Fellow Indian Buddhists: This article comes from a place of love and concern for our movement and its future. Some of you, dear friends, may feel disappointed or even disagree with my views here but I urge you to read with an open heart and mind. We are all united by one goal […]
भारत के बौद्धों में हर वर्ष दीवाली अर्थात दीपावली को लेकर बड़ा ही संदेह निर्माण हुआ पाया जाता है. कुछ लोग प्रचार कर रहे है कि दीवाली बौद्धों का त्योंहार है. उन्होंने उसे बड़ा ही उम्दा सा नाम दिया है – दीपदानोत्सव मेरे अल्प अभ्यास में किसी बौद्ध साहित्य में इस तरह का नाम नहीं […]
Summary of our vision and background to Buddhist Music To revive and promote the ‘almost’ lost music theory and compositions of the ancient Buddhist masters, known only to a handful of Buddhist Music Masters (Sangīta Theras) in remote parts of India and Pakistan, Afganistan and India. We have met two such elders, one of whom […]
Summary of our vision and background to Buddhist Music To revive and promote the ‘almost’ lost music theory and compositions of the ancient Buddhist masters, known only to a handful of Buddhist Music Masters (Sangīta Theras) in remote parts of India and Pakistan, Afganistan and India. We have met two such elders, one of whom […]
MEMORANDUM I Record of my talk to the Buddhist Sasana Council of Burma 1. To spread Buddhism outside Burma be one of the aims of the Sasana Council then India is the first country they should make the centre of their effort. No other country; will yield so much as India will. 2. The reason […]