How does the Hindu caste system really work and what can be the solution to eradicate casteism?

This article is from a series of Questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar 1. HOW DOES THE HINDU CASTE SYSTEM REALLY WORK? The Hindu caste system is more accurately called “THE JATI and/or VARNA SYSTEM”. Jati System in India In today’s climate, no organisation, social, political or religious really control what is known as the jati system, […]
Do Dalits in India consider themselves Hindus?

Do Dalits in India consider themselves Hindus? The question needs to be understood before it is answered. If you really understoodwhat a “dalit” is and what a :Hindu” was, I doubt whether you would ask this question. Please do read the info in the following link for greater clarity. What is the exact meaning of […]
THOUSANDS of brutal killings of SCs, STs and minorities don’t buzz these sections of people like the ONE George Floyd killing that has ignited and agitated the Blacks of US and rest of the world against his killing.WHY?

The “Avarna Untouchables” and other minorities are not insensitive, unconcerned and non-committed towards their own rights and obligations. However, many are not aware about dead (ineffective) minority movements and they must not fall in the trap believing that the movement they are committed to has all the answers to all minority issues. They need to […]
QUESTION: Which pandemic affected the most people?

QUESTION: Which pandemic affected the most people? ANSWER: THE LONGEST LASTING PANDEMIC. There is an infectious disease that is passed on from generation to generation and attacks the Right Supramarginal Gyrus in the brain. This area of the brain helps us to distinguish our own emotional state from that of other people and is […]
What are some UNDENIABLETRUTHS ABOUT M. K. GANDHI revealed by AAGS Alliance Against Gandhi Statues?

The protest on 21 November 2019 in Manchester (UK) opposing the unveiling of Gandhi statue in the heart of Manchester was a great victory for not only setting a milestone against Gandhism but challenging Manchester Council for choosing to honour a figure like Gandhi who had questionable moral rectitude. The Gandhi myth was given a […]
Dr Ambedkar Quotes on Caste

What can be done to eradicate the caste system in Sikhism?

The caste system cannot be eradicated unless ‘caste is eradicated’. Annihilation of ALL traces of caste is the only solution. A mere belief that a person has a caste is ‘propagation of the caste system’ because the ONLY purpose of belonging to a caste is to plug into the caste system. STEPS TO ANNIHILATE CASTE (Mainly understanding): Let every Sikh […]
What are scheduled castes?

The idea of caste-based reservation system was envisioned by William Hunter and Jyotirao Phule in various forms in 1882 and implemented by Chatrapati Sahuji in 1901. The term was changed to “Depressed Classes” in 1932 by Dr Ambedkar and later to “Scheduled Caste/Tribes” during the framing of the constitution in 1950. The idea was that a vast majority of the poor were from those groups/sections of society considered religion-less “Untouchables” […]
Why is reservation system not abolished after 10 years as per the wish of Dr. Ambedkar?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by Shekhar Bodhakar IT IS A MISCONCEPTION that the reservations was only meant for 10 years. There are 4 types of reservations: 1. Political Reservation 2. Reservation in Education 3. Reservation in Employment 4. Reservation in promotion According to Article 330: SC […]