The following is from serious of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar There are three points arising from the question, which must be discussed in order to correctly answer the question. FIRST POINT: The concept of surnames was introduced to Indians by the colonials and surnames can be changed. Indians had no concept of surname […]
QUESTION: Are there any surviving Brahmins with the surname Ambedkar? If no, doesn’t this indicate that Ambedkar is not a Brahmin surname? ANSWER: I have been asking this question for several years now and to date have not come across anyone who knows of any Brahmin with the surname Ambedkar. I have come across many instances […]
Human rights activists need to remember that liberty, equality, fraternity (LEF) and social justice, the ideals of Ambedkarism IS IMPOSSIBLE to achieve in a caste-based society and EDUCATE AGITATE ORGANIZE is the formula (not the aim) to achieve these ideals in a jaatiless (casteless) and just society. Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar clearly states that he has […]
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is from a series of Questions asked by Dr. Ambedkar critics and answered by Mr.Shekhar Bodhakar Here are just FIVE facts, that will hopefully completely CHANGE your perception for the better, about Dr. B.R Ambedkar. If you have the slightest of doubts about the greatness of Ambedkar-the-great, then just the first THREE facts […]
Most people are aware of 22 vows of Dr. Ambedkar but did you know there were also FIVE VOWS OF DR AMBEDKAR ADMINISTERED BY HIM ON MANUSMRITI DAHAN DAY. These vows were specifically administered to annihilate untouchability and caste discrimination amongst Hindus and non-Hindus. Later, Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar developed the 22 vows and vehemently propagated complete annihilation […]
DR. BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR is the FOUNDING FATHER OF MODERN INDIA Here’s WHY? … This Title was conferred upon Dr. Ambedkar by Columbia University for the part he played in authoring the Indian Constitution. Above is a screenshot from the prestigious Columbia University website. It clearly shows Dr. B.R.Ambedkar as the founding father of modern India. ONLY Ambedkar-the-Great is OFFICIALLY recognised […]
It is not that Dr. Ambedkar wanted to burn the constitution. His words are taken out of context. “My friends tell me that I made the Constitution. But I am quite prepared to say that I shall be the first person to burn it out. I do not want it. It does not suit anybody. […]
The following article is from a series of questions asked by Dr. Ambedkar critics and answered by Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar This is the original preamble to the Constitution of India. Can adding ONE word/phrase; i.e. secular (or secularism) to the constitution make you far more intelligent and educated than the polymath, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (BA; MA; MSc; Phd; DSc; […]
This may Hurt but there is hope (if and only if you understand). Why don’t many people who call themselves Ambedkarites not feel awkward, not thinking about ANNIHILATING their own “forced” caste identities? We all know this but why is it ignored by most? Dr. Ambedkar’s dream was “Annihilation of Caste” Individuals can ONLY annihilate […]
QUESTION: What is the primary aim of the Indian Constitution? Answered by Shekhar Bodhakar A preamble is an introductory and expressionary statement in a document that explains the document’s purpose, aim and underlying philosophy. Here is the statement that explains the purpose, aim and underlying philosophy of the Indian constitution as agreed by the constituent assembly, […]