Which caste do people with the surname Ambedkar belong to?

Why did the need to ask this question arise? People with the surname Ambedkar do not belong to any caste. Nor did the most famous Ambedkar (Dr BR Ambedkar), the social reformer who fought for a casteless society belonged to any caste. Read one of his undelivered speeches, ‘Annihilation of caste’. ‘Ambedkar’ is not a caste. Nor is that […]

QUESTION: क्या भीमराव अम्बेडकर को भारत में आरक्षण के लिए दोषी ठहराया जा सकता है?

QUESTION: क्या भीमराव अम्बेडकर को भारत में आरक्षण के लिए दोषी ठहराया जा सकता है? Answered by Shekhar Bodhakar  यह आपके लिए आश्चर्य की बात हो सकती है परन्तु डॉ आंबेडकर आरक्षण व्यवस्था चाहते ही नहीं थे बल्कि कस्तूरबा गांधी के निवेदन पर महात्मा गांधी की जान बचाने के लिए उन्हें यह निर्णय लेना पड़ा। डॉ आंबेडकर ने जाति आधारित आरक्षण व्यवस्था को नहीं बनाया जैसा कि आम तौर पर दिखाया जाता है। वे केवल उस समय की सरकार द्वारा ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री रैम्से मैकडॉनल्ड के द्वारा स्वीकृत कानूनी “कम्युनल अवॉर्ड” को लागू करवाना चाहते थे। इस समझौते ने आरक्षित जाति व जनजातियों को हिन्दू बहुसंख्यक सरकार से राजनीतिक सुरक्षा के रूप में एक अलग निर्वाचन क्षेत्र देने का अधिकार दिया जिसकी स्वतंत्रता पश्चात सत्ता में आने (लागू होने) की आशा थी। वे गांधीजी ही थे जिन्होंने इस अधि निर्णय का विरोध किया; इसके पश्चात वे आंबेडकर पर अलग निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के बदले में आरक्षण स्वीकार करने का दबाव (या यूं कहें कि एक प्रकार की भावनात्मक धमकी <इमोशनल ब्लैकमेल> ) डालने के लिए भूख हड़ताल पर चले गए। पर मजे की बात तो ये है कि इस गांधीजी ने सिखों, मुस्लिमों, आंग्ल- भारतीयों.… आदि के लिए स्वीकृत अलग निर्वाचन क्षेत्र का विरोध नहीं किया.. उन्होंने केवल अस्पृश्यों व जनजातियों को लेकर विरोध किया। यदि किसी ने आरक्षण व्यवस्था बनाकर देश का विनाश किया है तो ये वो लोग हैं जिन्होंने “जाति वा जातिवाद” को बनाया। इसने वर्णाश्रम व्यवस्था के नाम पर समाज के हाशिए पर रखे समुदायों के लिए अकल्पनीय कठिनाइयां और निर्दयता उत्पन्न कर दी। यदि यह इसके लिए नहीं होता तो अस्पृश्यों के लिए अलग निर्वाचन क्षेत्र की आवश्यकता ही नहीं होती, ना गांधीजी का उपवास और ना ही जाति आधारित संवैधानिक आरक्षण व्यवस्था। आरक्षण हमारे संविधान में दिया गया है, केवल अम्बेडकर के द्वारा नहीं बल्कि उस समय के सभी भारतीय अधिनायकों के द्वारा जो कि संविधान सभा के सदस्य थे। योग्यता (मेरिट) आज भी इस देश में अनाथ है और इस पर किसी जाति विशेष का आधिपत्य नहीं है। केवल वही लोग जिनके निहित स्वार्थ हैं वे ही मेरिट के बारे में बात करते हैं। लोगों ने केवल एक जाति विशेष के लिए शिक्षा में जाति आधारित आरक्षण को असंख्य पीढ़ियों तक सहन किया और उस समय में किसी ने भी योग्यता के बारे में चिंता नहीं की। एक जाति विशेष के शत प्रतिशत लोग तो योग्य नहीं हो सकते और इसके बारे में उस समय तक किसी ने प्रश्न नहीं उठाया जब तक कि समानता, स्वतंत्रता, भाईचारे, सभी के लिए सामाजिक न्याय की भावना पर आधारित एक नए देश के निर्माण का समय नहीं आ गया जो की एक जाति आधारित समाज में कदापि संभव नहीं है। आरक्षण नीति पूना पैक्ट का परिणाम है! जो कि केवल गांधीजी के कम्युनल अवॉर्ड के विरोध में गैर कानूनी तौर पर भूख हड़ताल पर जाने के कारण हुआ जिसे आंबेडकर ने गोलमेज सम्मेलन में कानूनी रूप से जीता था। डॉ आंबेडकर ने ने उनके लिए कम्युनल अवॉर्ड की मांग की (और जीते भी) जो की शताब्दियों से यदि सदियों से नहीं, मानवाधिकारों से वंचित व दमन के शिकार हैं। और गांधीजी ने बदले में आरक्षण की मांग की इसलिए अम्बेडकर को आरक्षण हेतु दोषी ठहराना बंद करें जब तक कि आप पूना पेक्ट को नकारकर अलग निर्वाचन क्षेत्र के मूल समझौते को स्वीकार नहीं कर लेते। निष्कर्ष तो कौन है भारत में जाति आधारित आरक्षण व्यवस्था का जिम्मेदार? ~Shekhar Bodhakar 

World Social Justice Day 20 February.

Representation is the greatest guarantee of social justice, peace, democracy, mortality and development. Survival of the fittest and Struggle for existence cannot be allowed to damage equity, participation, rights, access and justice. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER has been very helpful in explaining social justice. Dr Ambedkar was the pioneer of social justice who […]

What was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar‟s reasoning behind burning the ‟Manusmriti‟?

Before I answer this question!, I would like to point out the following: 1. Many supporters of the Manusmriti, commonly known as the Manuvadis, aresupposedly “answering” this question. THEY ARE NOT. They are basically justleaving comments (not answering). They surprisingly received many upvotes 2. On reading their answers, it is fascinating to note that NO […]

When will another Dalit leader like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar rise?

This article is from a series of Questions asked on the internet and answered by Shekhar Bodhakar Depends on your understanding of the word ‘dalit’, the answer to your question is NEVER. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a dalit who stopped being a dalit as soon as he could fight back. A dalit is a continually oppressed, […]

QUESTION : Who are the biggest hypocrites in modern India?

QUESTION: Who are the biggest hypocrites in modern India?  Answered by Shekhar Bodhakar I think Mr M.K. Gandhi may have been somewhat right on this occasion. That would’ve been a welcoming side effect but wasn’t the aim of seperate electorates  In a letter to PM Ramsay Mcdonald in Sept 1932, Gandhi wrote,  “In the establishment of […]


On 15th August 1947, two separate Dominions – India and Pakistan – were created from the territories of British India through an act of the British Parliament. (The Dominion status is in between a colony and a sovereign state). Other erstwhile colonies of the British Empire like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa etc. were […]

Can B. R. Ambedkar be blamed for the reservations in India?

This may come as a surprise to you but Dr. Ambedkar did not want the reservation system but had to settle for it to save Mr Gandhi’s life at the request of Mrs Kasturba Gandhi. Dr. Ambedkar did not create the caste based reservation as is commonly portrayed. He only wanted the then government to […]

Which spelling is correct, ‘Jai Bheem’ or ‘Jai Bhim’?

The following is from series of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar      If your name is XYZ and Indians want to praise you by hailing your name, they will say, “JAI XYZ” It’s like saying “Hail XYZ”. Similarly, If your name is BHEEM, they will say JAI BHEEM. And If your name is BHIM, they will say “JAI BHIM” I assume the […]