Is there any reason behind ‘Jai Bhim’?

JAI BHIM- the greeting used by the Ambedkarites, coined by L. N. Hardas an ardent follower of Dr. Ambedkar, chief secretary of the Independent Labour Party (ILP) and in-charge (C.P and Berar). Origin of the slogan Jai Bhim: Babu Hardas was not comfortable with “Jai Rama-pati” (ostensibly a reference to Ambedkar) with which he was […]

World Social Justice Day 20 February.

Representation is the greatest guarantee of social justice, peace, democracy, mortality and development. Survival of the fittest and Struggle for existence cannot be allowed to damage equity, participation, rights, access and justice. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER has been very helpful in explaining social justice. Dr Ambedkar was the pioneer of social justice who […]

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Statues, Busts and Portraits around the world:

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Statues, Busts and Portraits around the world: 1)Statue at Wolverhampton The first open-air statue of Babasaheb Ambedkar in United Kingdom was installed outside the Buddha Vihara in Wolverhampton by Dr Ambedkar Memorial committee of Great Britain in the year 2003. 2) Statue at Ambedkar House London. The Second open air statue […]