What is the Indian caste system and how does it work?

Question details: As an American, I am completely unfamiliar with Indian culture and have a hard time understanding what the caste system is and why it exists. Could someone provide an overview? Answer details: I assume you mean: What is the INDIAN caste system based on? This answer assumes you know nothing about the Indian […]

“Can the caste system be eradicated from India? If so, how?”

 “Can the caste system be eradicated from India? If so, how?” Answered by Shekhar Bodhakar That’s a great ‘two in one’ question. Asking this question implies that you have a desire to end the caste system (maybe because deep inside you realise WHY it must be annihilated) and just want to know the “HOW TO” Yes, […]

Can we remove secular and socialist words from the Indian Constitution?

The following article is from a series of questions answered by Mr. Shekhar Bodhakar  This is an answer to, CAN WE REMOVE THE WORDS SECULAR AND SOCIALIST FROM THE PREAMBLE TO THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION?.  The preamble that almost the entire population of India assume is the preamble to the constitution of India (COI) is in fact NOT […]

What are some lesser-known facts about Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?

1. Dr. Ambedkar’s father adopted the surname Ambedkar and it wasn’t given by Bhimrao Ambedkar’s teacher as is commonly believed.. In volume 10 page 3 of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar’s works and speeches, his father’ name is written as Subedar Major Ramji Maloji Ambedkar. (Are there any surviving Brahmins with the surname Ambedkar? If no, doesn’t this indicate […]

Why are scheduled castes and tribes not Hindu?

In a letter to British PM Ramsay Mcdonald in Sept 1932, Mr Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi wrote, “In the establishment of separate electorates at all for the ‘depressed classes’, I sense the injection of poison that is calculated to destroy Hinduism.” Mr Gandhi may have been “somewhat” correct on this occasion. “Distruction of Hinduism” would’ve been a welcoming side effect for […]


BACKGROUND:  Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar  prescribed these vows so that: 1. There may be complete severance of bond with the old Hindu customs that promote superstition and caste which in turn hinders fraternity, human progress and scientific temper 2. To protect Buddhism from unnecessary confusion, contradictions and adulteration These vows were administered by Babasaheb […]

Which caste do people with the surname Ambedkar belong to?

Why did the need to ask this question arise? People with the surname Ambedkar do not belong to any caste. Nor did the most famous Ambedkar (Dr BR Ambedkar), the social reformer who fought for a casteless society belonged to any caste. Read one of his undelivered speeches, ‘Annihilation of caste’. ‘Ambedkar’ is not a caste. Nor is that […]


BACKGROUND:  Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar  prescribed these vows so that: 1. There may be complete severance of bond with the old Hindu customs that promote superstition and caste which in turn hinders fraternity, human progress and scientific temper 2. To protect Buddhism from unnecessary confusion, contradictions and adulteration These vows were administered by Babasaheb […]

THOUSANDS of brutal killings of SCs, STs and minorities don’t buzz these sections of people like the ONE George Floyd killing that has ignited and agitated the Blacks of US and rest of the world against his killing.WHY?

The “Avarna Untouchables” and other minorities are not insensitive, unconcerned and non-committed towards their own rights and obligations. However, many are not aware about dead (ineffective) minority movements and they must not fall in the trap believing that the movement they are committed to has all the answers to all minority issues. They need to […]