A very serious message for the followers of Babasaheb from Sudhir Raj Singh on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s 130th Birth Anniversary.Whilst there are millions going to Kumbh mela, immediately after lockdown due to Corona pandemic, permission has not been granted by the authorities to celebrate Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Jayanthi from Ambedkar Bhavan, which was bought […]
Summary of our vision and background to Buddhist Music To revive and promote the ‘almost’ lost music theory and compositions of the ancient Buddhist masters, known only to a handful of Buddhist Music Masters (Sangīta Theras) in remote parts of India and Pakistan, Afganistan and India. We have met two such elders, one of whom […]
QUESTION 2: Isn’t it wrong to call 6th December “MahaPariNibbana” Day of Bodhisatta Dr. Ambedkar? डॉक्टर अम्बेडकर का निब्बान हुआ या परि निब्बान या महापरिनिब्बान या निर्वाण या परि निर्वाण या महापरिनिर्वाण या निवत्त या परि निवत्त या महा परि निवत्त या निव्रत या परि निव्रत या महा परि निव्रत …क्या है सच्चाई…जनिएगा…share भी कीजिएगा.. ऐसी सभी बातें जाने -Sudhir Raj Singh Dr. Ambedkar is referred to as BODDHISATTA by many. Meaning.. a person sure to attain Nibbana (Enlightenment) but is not YET an Arahat. BUT Parinibbana implies he had attained Nibbana during his lifetime. Can those who […]