Global Ambedkarites

Could you be suffering from casteophobia?

Could you be suffering from casteophobia?

Could you be suffering from casteophobia?

Could you be suffering from casteophobia?

Could you be suffering from casteophobia?

Meaning of Casteomania and related words..

CASTEOMANIA (Pronunciation; kaas-chee-o-main-i-aa): A psychological condition in which a person believes she/he has a jāti (commonly known as caste).

CASTEOMANIAC (Pronunciation; kaas-chee-o-main-i-uck): A Person suffering from casteomania. All casteomaniacs are subconsciously jatist (casteists)

CASTEOPATH: A casteist sociopath who has perfected the art of hiding his casteomania.

CASTEOPATHOLOGY: Scientific study of underlying causes and effects of casteomania

CASTEOPATHOLOGICAL: Related to the study of Casteopathology, the causes and effects of casteomania.

CASTEOMANIC: Relating to casteomania or casteomaniacs

CASTEOMANOLOGY: Study of casteomanic phenomenon

CASTEOMANOLOGIST: Student of Casteomanology; one who studies casteomanic psychological conditions and casteomanic phenomena

CASTEOMANOLOGICAL: Relating to casteomanology

CASTEOPHOBIA: Fear of losing ones caste identity.

CASTEOPHOBE: Person who has Casteophobia.

CASTEOPHOBIC: Related to casteophobia

CASTEOPHOBIC (noun): A casteomaniac suffering from mild to severe casteophobia