It is obvious that caste based reservation (and anything to do with caste) will automatically be abolished when the whole concept of belonging to a caste is abolished.
The problem is most people are either vehemently opposing or protecting caste based reservation but hardly anyone is fighting for complete annihilation of the caste concept. ALL SUCH INDIANS ARE CASTEISTS. By casteist I dont mean one is hateful towards other castes but one BELIEVES that she/he belongs to a caste, not realising that castes serves no useful purpose whatsoever in modern society.
Fighting for annihilation of caste discrimination is not the same as fighting for annihilation of caste. The mere belief in caste encourages caste discrimination. In a way, fighting for equality in castes is counter productive to annihilation of caste.
Anti cast discrimination activists must realise that it is impossible to root out caste discrimimation as long as caste remains. THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF CASTE IS DISCRIMINATION & CONTROL. Annihilation of caste is the ONLY key to end caste discrimination and reservation based on caste.
The question you should encourage the Casteist Indians to ask is, “Is there ANY benefit in the twenty-first century of having a caste identity?”