This is a non sensical question because the Hindu religion hasn’t even been born yet. Will it ever be born?
There us no such religion called ‘the Hindu religion’. Nor did it ever exist. What people ‘normally’ refer to as the Hindu “religion”, Hinduism, is really the Brahmanic way of life, Brahmanism.
(VIDEO IN HINDI- Origin of the term Hindu watch from 5 MIN 15 SEC to 9min)
The term Hindu, short for Hindustani was first used by the Persians. To the Persians and the Arabs, the word Hindu meant all the derogatory words you can think of.. Black, Thief, Kaffir, Slave.
A Hindu was a geographical, not religious, identity until the disintegration of Hindustan into Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar (Burma) etc
The Hindus, of what was then Hindustan, are now called Pakistanis, Indian, Nepalis, Bangladeshis etc just as the Soviets of the then Soviet Union are now called Ukrainians, Russian, Romanians, Slovakians etc. There are no more Soviets & Hindus because there is no more a Soviet Union or Hindustan.
NOTE:The word ‘Hindu’ is NOT a mis-pronunciation of ‘Sindhu’ by the Persians, as some would like you to believe, for..in Persian both, the ‘S-sound’ and the ‘H-sound’ are clearly pronounced
Many scholars believe that this suggestion is a diversion tactic to hide from the masses the original meaning of the word ‘Hindu’
It was only those with ulterior motives (eg for political hegemony), who propagated and are still promoting the term Hinduism or Hindu religion, whenever it suits them. ie, when there is a need for the dominant castes to be seen as in the majority. This normally happens during and before Hindu Muslim riots. Since Hinduism is not a religion, the largest religion in India is Islam.
VIDEO IN HINDI: PM Modi refuses to accept Hinduism is a religion
Before 1921 no Brahmin ever referred to themselves as belonging to the Hindu religion. The terms Hindu or Hinduism (their Sanskrit equivalents) do not appear in any of the Brahmanic holy books. Nor did the Brahmins ever consider themselves belonging to the same dharma as any non-Brahmin. Dharma is very commonly but incorrectly translated as religion.
Dharma means Duty and responsibility. The dharma (duties and responsibilities, not religions) of a Brahmin differs from the Shudra dharam. That’s why there has never been, in the whole of Indian history, a Shudra Shankracharya. What percentage of the population of Brahmins have been, or are, manual scavengers. I think none.. because according to the Brahmin shastras manual scavenging is the untouchable’s dharma (duty) not the Brahmin’s dharma.
It makes no sense for a person who knows that there is no such religion called Hinduism to repeatedly keep asking questions about the ‘Hindu religion’, eg how old is the Hindu religion