JAI BHIM- the greeting used by the Ambedkarites, coined by L. N. Hardas an ardent follower of Dr. Ambedkar, chief secretary of the Independent Labour Party (ILP) and in-charge (C.P and Berar).
Origin of the slogan Jai Bhim:
Babu Hardas was not comfortable with “Jai Rama-pati” (ostensibly a reference to Ambedkar) with which he was greeted after being elected as Legislature. A Moulavi explained him meaning of “Salam Alekum”, a greeting among the Muslims. From this, he got the idea of “Jai Bhim”. He decided that “Jai Bhim” should be used and responded with “Bal Bhim”. He propagated this method of greeting with the help of workers of “Bhim Vijay Sangh”. Later, he decided that “Bal Bhim” is not suitable and decided that both parties should greet each other by “Jai Bhim”. Babu Hardas is, therefore, considered as father of “Jai Bhim”.
Reason for using the slogan:
All slogans denote a general sense which is partly acquired and partly inherent in them. What they mean by that slogan is that the noble ideal of Babahsaheb’s life, the indomitable spirit which enabled the greatest humanitarian to work for the human society , to reclaim their lost rights, and to make the extreme sacrifice for the annihilating castes in order to build the nation on the edifice based on liberty, equality, fraternity and social justice for all, that they may show the same unfailing endurance, commitment, wisdom, compassion and undaunting courage in pursuance of their ideal. It is that spirit that they allude to. (Which spelling is correct, ‘Jai Bheem’ or ‘Jai Bhim’? , Why don’t Indians say “Jai Hind aur Jai Dravida”?)
Some facts about Babu Hardas
- At young age 17, Babu Hardas founded a weekly publication titled Maharatha, with a view to spreading social awareness among the untouchables.
- He organised night schools to teach the untouchables, fought against idol worship, irrational and superstitions beliefs.
- Tried organizing the Mahar community by founding the Mahar Samaj organisation in 1922. Formed Mahar Samaj Pathak, a voluntary corps group, to bring together the disorganized Mahar youth to protect the untouchables against atrocities.
- Opened a Mahila Ashram in order to impart training to untouchable women in daily activities.
- He first met Dr. Ambedkar in the year 1928 and became his ardent follower
- One of the signatories in the Poona Pact
- When casteist Gandhi proclaimed that he alone had the rights to represent the untouchables, Badu Hardas collected opinions of untouchable leaders and had sent 32 telegrams to Ramsay Mac Donald (UK PM) that claimed Dr. Ambedkar is the real leader of the untouchables and not casteist Gandhi
- Become secretary of the CP Berar branch of independent labour party and won the 1937 elections. Unfortunately he died in the year 1939.
Note: The Jai Bhim is not recreated from Jai Hind as claimed in Eleanor Zelliot’s book. Jai Bhim was used in the year 1936 whereas Jai Hind was used by the INA in the 1940’s
(Reference: Jai Bhim and Jai Hind)