Global Ambedkarites

Manusmiriti and other texts supporting Varna dharmas burnt for a whole week in UK

Manusmiriti and other texts supporting Varna dharmas burnt for a whole week in UK

Manusmiriti and other texts supporting Varna dharmas burnt for a whole week in UK

Manusmiriti and other texts supporting Varna dharmas burnt for a whole week in UK

Manusmiriti and other texts supporting Varna dharmas burnt for a whole week in UK

लंडन में मनुस्मृति को लगातार सात दिन जलाया गया और हर साल जलाए जाने का भी कहा गया । 

This one was Black week for Varnadharmis One unholy Brahmanic book burnt per day for seven days.


9th August 2018 International Indigenous Peoples Day. This was the day that the Varnadharmis, headed by Brahmins burnt the Constitution of India, just yards away from the parliament but no action was taken by the  authorities


15th August 2018

Author: Jai Singh