Global Ambedkarites

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

QUESTION 3: How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?


How can we unite Dalits all over India & world?

Time to Organize.

ANSWER by Shekhar Bodhakar:


The exact meaning of the word “DALIT” is ‘ground down’, or ‘broken to pieces’.

[Academic Ref]: Anupama Rao, Representing Dalit selfhood

the word ‘DALIT” is an adjective, derived from the verb, ‘dalan’ meaning ‘oppression’ (but is often incorrectly used as a noun) and is, in proper context, used to describe:

ANY continually suppressed and downtrodden *PERSON*, mentally crushed and broken, who most likely would be a woman, minor, widow, divorcee, orphan, disabled person, labourer, a person from SC, ST , OBC or any other oppressed minority group.

A dalit, a continually suppressed victim of atrocities, could be a Brahmin who has been and still is unfairly treated in an inhumane way

If by dalits you mean the scheduled castes, then that’s the correct term to use. I think by the word “ Dalits”, you really mean “Pseudo-Dalits”

What is the difference between Neo dalits and Pseudo Dalits?

You cannot unite dalits if they believe in caste identities. Make them shed their caste identities and they will automatically unite as the Casteless Avarnas.

What is the exact meaning of hindi word Dalit?

~Shekhar Bodhakar