Brahmins say that Bhimrao Ambedkar was given a Brahmin Surname. It seems to many Ambedkarites that the Brahmins will next popularise Dr Ambedkar to be a brilliant Brahmin..
Firstly, the question doesn’t make sense, once the meaning of the word dalit is understood
What is the exact meaning of hindi word Dalit?
Secondly, the question is wrongly phrased as if it’s a fact that Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Brahmin school teacher gave the young Bhimrao his own ‘Brahmin surname’. AMBEDKAR IS NOT A BRAHMIN SURNAME
Thirdly, it is NOT ONLY those who you call ‘dalits’ who think that the Brahmin surname story is a fake story. I’m not a dalit and I don’t believe that story either. Nor do many others who are not dalits.
Fourthly, there are NO concrete proofs that this story of a “compassionate Brahmin teacher, who loved the young Bhimrao so much that he gave him his own surname”, is a true story!!
Lastly, there is overwhelming evidence that it must be a fake story.
AFTER the system of surnames was adopted, Babasaheb’s father name was written as ‘Ramji Maloji AMBEDKAR’.

Comments from Rajratna Ambedkar (great grand nephew of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar)
“There is no concrete proof that the said Brahmin teacher existed. It was the thoughtful initiative of Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s father, Subhedar Major Ramji Ambedkar, not to use Sapkal as his surname and only to be recognized by the name of his native place ‘ambadave’ – still a village in Kokan region of Maharashtra. He suggested both his son’s (Anandrao and Bhimrao) name to be registered as ‘ambevadekar’ in School at Satara. As the surname ‘ambevadekar’ was difficult to pronounce and was a tongue twister, the administration renamed it (could be in error too) as ‘ambedkar’ in their records. And from then onwards Ambedkar surname came into existence.”
“We visited the school at Satara, Pratap Singh High School. We have seen the register in which Dr. B.R Ambedkar’s name was mentioned as Bhiva Ramji Ambedkar and also verified the roll of headmasters of the school.”
“To date, there is NOT A SINGLE TEACHER mentioned as ‘Ambedkar’ in the school record.
It was not the Brahmin teacher who gave the surname, it was Dr.B.R. Ambedkar’s father.”
आंबेडकर सरनेम ब्राम्हण ने दिया, ये झूठा प्रचार है।
खुला चैलेंज
अगर बाबासाहब डॉ. भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर जिस स्कूल में पढ़ा करते थे, उस प्रतापसिंह हाइस्कूल की अटेंडेंस रजिस्टर में बाबासाहब के नाम के आगे #आंबेडकर, ये सरनेम, दर्ज किया हुवा दस्तावेज #प्रतापसिंह_हाइस्कूल से मिल सकता है,
तो जिन्होंने ये नाम दिया, वो आंबेडकर सरनेम वाले ब्राम्हण_शिक्षक की अटेंडेंस रजिस्टर (या सैलरी रजिस्टर) में उनका आज तक कोई जिक्र क्यों नही है?
– राजरत्न अम्बेडकर
(आनंदराव रामजी अम्बेडकर और डॉ. भीमराव रामजी आंबेडकर का वंसज
#आंबेडकर सरनेम किसी ब्राम्हण ने नही दिया।
#ब्राम्हण और #आरएसएस से जुड़े हुए लोग आज अचानक इस बात का प्रचार करना शुरू कर दिए है कि बाबासाहब को ब्राम्हण मुख्याध्यापक ने अपना खुद का नाम दिया है।
तो आज मैं आप लोगों के सामने #दो_महत्वपूर्ण_दस्तावेज रखना चाहता हु।
पहला, #प्रतापसिंह हाइस्कूल का अटेंडेंस रजिस्टर जिसमे बाबासाहब का जिक्र। #भिवा_रामजी_आंबेडकर ऐसा किया हुवा दस्तावेज।
और दूसरा, #प्रतापसिंह_हाइस्कूल की १८५१ से लेकर आज तक के मुख्याध्यापको की सूची जो खुद हइस्कूल ने अपने केबिन में लगाई है।
इस सूची मैं कही पर भी #आंबेडकर सरनेम वाले #ब्राम्हण मुख्याध्यापक का नाम नही है।
#आंबेडकर सरनेम किसी #ब्राम्हण ने नही दिया बल्कि, ये उपनाम खुद बाबासाहब के पिताजी #सुभेदार_मेजर_रामजी_आंबेडकर ने तय किया। स्कूल प्रशासन ने केवल #अम्बाडवेकर से #आंबेडकर किया।
-राजरत्न आंबेडकर (12/06/2019)
Re Ambedkar Surname
- First thing to keep in mind is that the onus to prove any claim lies on the claimant. It is Dhananjay Keer’s (a Hindu, real name Ananant Vitthal) claim that Ambedkar is Brahmin surname that is being challenged. He simply “mentions” it in His biography of Babasaheb without any reference or elaborating on this claim. He, being a noted biographer, provides references for his other statements, then why not for this claim?
- Second thing to keep in mind is no one else has any record of Babasaheb saying that his teacher gave him the Ambedkar surname.
- Thirdly, we know that there are “Anti Ambedkar Thought” forces determined to Brahminise Dr. Ambedkar. It’s in their interest to connecting Babasaheb Ambedkar to as many Brahmins as possible.
- Truth behind the “Ambedkar” surname is now being more widely known
Awareness and truth regarding the Ambedkar surname is slowly building