Global Ambedkarites

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius?

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius?

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius?

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius?

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius?

Was Dr. Ambedkar really a genius? I’m not sure whether it’s intentional or not but the word ‘really’ in the question subconsciously implants an idea in the reader’s mind that he may not have been.

Nevertheless, since the question has been asked, It deserves a reply..

Before you read rest of the answer, checkout his Academic qualifications in the image above.

YES, the polymath Dr. Ambedkar REALLY was a genius, not that it matters. Hitler was a genius. So was ‘ Jack the ripper’ and the mastermind behind ‘the great train robbery’. What really matters is his greatness, what he contributed to humanity and the intentions behind his amazing successes.

YES, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (BA; MA; MSc; Phd; DSc; LLD; DLitt; Bar-at-Law), the chairnan of the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution, an eminent jurist and lexicographer, REALLY was a genius.

Dr. Ambedkar was 24years old when he wrote his paper on “Castes in India – Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development”. In his paper, he challenged many well established scholars who had already written on caste.

Dr. B.R Ambedkar is often referred to as “THE SYMBOL OF KNOWLEDGE”. Out of over a Billion humans in India, there can only be ONE symbol of knowledge and he certainly must have been a genius, the genius who was conferred with the title, ‘FOUNDING FATHER OF MODERN INDIA’ by the prestigious Columbia University for the part he played in authoring the Indian Constitution.

The following photo is from Columbia University’s official website:

Yes, he really was a genius and a social reformer like none other and more importantly, he used his ingeniosity for the benefit of society, in the most ethical manner possible, until he breathed his last.

Yes, this iconoclast really was a genius but to know more about Ambedkar-the-great, click on the following links (Answers from @Quora profile Shekhar Bodhakar)
