Global Ambedkarites

What did Ambedkar do for the common Indian that was greater than what Gandhi, Nehru or Patel did?

What did Ambedkar do for the common Indian that was greater than what Gandhi, Nehru or Patel did?

What did Ambedkar do for the common Indian that was greater than what Gandhi, Nehru or Patel did?

What did Ambedkar do for the common Indian that was greater than what Gandhi, Nehru or Patel did?

What did Ambedkar do for the common Indian that was greater than what Gandhi, Nehru or Patel did?

VIDEO: The Greatest Indian (POLL)

Gandhi, Nehru and Patel may have done many great things but there is nothing that I can think of that they did which was GREATER than the following three things Ambedkar did for the COMMON Indian.

1) He was the Chief architect and author of the Indian constitution which affects every common Indian. Please read:

What are the achievements of BR Ambedkar? Shekhar Bodhakar’s answer to What are B. R. Ambedkar achievements?

2) Ambedkar is accredited with establishing the RBI for the common Indian and

3. He elevated the status of EVERY common Indian women by winning the rights for them to vote, divorce, own property, re-marry, equal pay, maternity pay, right to inherent husband’s and parent’s property and many more rights WHICH WERE NON-EXISTENCE before Ambedkar took the initiative. So he needs to be recognised as :


Ambedkar’s achievements are endless but there is nothing greater than these three things, that Ambedkar did for the COMMON INDIAN(regardless of caste or religion), that was surpassed by Gandhi, Nehru and Patel combined… and all that single handedly too.

VIDEO: The greatest Indian exposes Gandhi