Global Ambedkarites

What were Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s five vows administered by him in 1927 on Manusmitri Dahan Day?

What were Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s five vows administered by him in 1927 on Manusmitri Dahan Day?

What were Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s five vows administered by him in 1927 on Manusmitri Dahan Day?

What were Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s five vows administered by him in 1927 on Manusmitri Dahan Day?

What were Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar’s five vows administered by him in 1927 on Manusmitri Dahan Day?

Most people are aware of 22 vows of Dr. Ambedkar but did you know there were also FIVE VOWS OF DR AMBEDKAR ADMINISTERED BY HIM ON MANUSMRITI DAHAN DAY.

These vows were specifically administered to annihilate untouchability and caste discrimination amongst Hindus and non-Hindus. Later, Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar developed the 22 vows and vehemently propagated complete annihilation of caste.

  1. I do not believe on Chaturvarna based on birth.
  2. I do not believe in caste distinctions.
  3. I believe that untouchability is an anathema on Hinduism and I will HONESTLY TRY MY BEST to completely destroy it.
  4. Considering that there is no inequality, I will not follow any restrictions about food and drink among at least all Hindus.
  5. I believe that untouchables must have equal rights in temples, water sources, schools and other amenities.

One beauty of these vows is that they can be taken by anyone without affecting their religious views.


Five vows of Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Manusmriti dahan DAY~ by Dr. K. Jamanadas
