Why did the need to ask this question arise?
People with the surname Ambedkar do not belong to any caste. Nor did the most famous Ambedkar (Dr BR Ambedkar), the social reformer who fought for a casteless society belonged to any caste. Read one of his undelivered speeches, ‘Annihilation of caste’.
‘Ambedkar’ is not a caste. Nor is that surname reserved for people who ‘belong’ to any one caste OR religion.
I know Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and atheists but no Brahmins who have Ambedkar as their surname. It’s just that some people with sick minds, would like it to be associated with what they term as ‘low’ castes.
The caste system, a system of graded degradation, is the most vile system of social control inthehistory of this planet. It is the root cause of social turmoil in Indian society leading to an unjust society, a society rampant with crime where bribery has become a part of culture. It is the root cause of atrocities committed on minorities. It is the root cause of injustice in Indian society. Caste is anti national and a blockage to Dr Ambedkar’s mission of equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for all.
A belief in the notion of caste SERVES NO USEFUL PURPOSE IN MODERN SOCIETY AND THEREFORE MUST BE ANNIHILATED if India is to survive as a progressive nation.
A belief that you belong to a caste is merely a belief. Casteism is a mental phenomena, a mental disease. Castes don’t ACTUALLY exist. Only the CONCEPT OF CASTE exists and this concept must be buried for good
A belief that you have a caste ONLY benefit the dominant classes. Your ancestors were MADE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY BELONGED TO OR HAD A CASTE.
If you have any love for your nation, a question YOU MUST ask those who profess to have a caste identity and keep asking until caste is annihilated is:
“Do YOU know of ANY benefits in modern society of belonging to a caste?”
If the answer is NO, how foolish is it for you yourself to associate with a caste You must sever ALL ties, especially the emotional ties, with the caste that you were made to believe you belong to