Global Ambedkarites

WHY has the USCIRF recommended that US govt impose targeted sanctions on Indian government agencies and it’s officials?

WHY has the USCIRF recommended that US govt impose targeted sanctions on Indian government agencies and it’s officials?

WHY has the USCIRF recommended that US govt impose targeted sanctions on Indian government agencies and it’s officials?

WHY has the USCIRF recommended that US govt impose targeted sanctions on Indian government agencies and it’s officials?

WHY has the USCIRF recommended that US govt impose targeted sanctions on Indian government agencies and it’s officials?

The USCIRF has recommended that the US government impose targeted sanctions on “Indian government agencies and officials responsible for severe violations of religious freedom by freezing those individuals’ assets and/or barring their entry into the United States”

India should be placed on religious freedom blacklist: US panel

A memorandum drafted by Ambedkar International Mission, London was submitted to the UN & USCIRF last year. A case of heavy suppression of religious freedom and other misdeeds of the current government, including election fraud and the new controversial Citizenship Bills & Acts, was made to the USCIRF and UN.

Rajratna Ambedkar presented his case, heavy suppression of religious freedom and other misdeeds of the current government, including election fraud, to the USCIRF