Global Ambedkarites

Widely circulated fake quote. Dr. Ambedkar views on Article 370.

Widely circulated fake quote. Dr. Ambedkar views on Article 370.

Widely circulated fake quote. Dr. Ambedkar views on Article 370.

Widely circulated fake quote. Dr. Ambedkar views on Article 370.

Widely circulated fake quote. Dr. Ambedkar views on Article 370.

The following information regarding Dr. Ambedkar views about Article 370 is fake.

These are the views (undistorted) of Dr. Ambedkar on Kashmir issue, taken from Dr. Ambedkar writings and speeches.

Dr. Ambedkar had refused to draft Article 370 and the only evidence about Dr. Ambedkar views regarding Kashmir could be found in his speech dated 10th October 1951.

On the Kashmir issue, Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar preferred a clear border with the area with Muslims majority going to Pakistan and the area with Buddhist & Hindu majority going to India, just as the rest of British India was being split. PROBLEM SOLVED.

On Kashmir issue, Dr. Ambedkar supported plebiscite (vote) and he was not happy with the government spending money on the military. He being a true democrat believed that, people should decide their future.

For detailed views of Dr. Ambedkar on Kashmir issue: B S Pavel’s answer to What was Ambedkar’s view on the special status for Kashmir?