What are some lesser-known facts about Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?

1. Dr. Ambedkar’s father adopted the surname Ambedkar and it wasn’t given by Bhimrao Ambedkar’s teacher as is commonly believed.. In volume 10 page 3 of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar’s works and speeches, his father’ name is written as Subedar Major Ramji Maloji Ambedkar. (Are there any surviving Brahmins with the surname Ambedkar? If no, doesn’t this indicate […]


RANADE GANDHI & JINNAH Address delivered on the 101st Birthday celebration of Mahadev Govind Ranade held on the 18th January 1943 in the Gokhale memorial hall, Poona by the Hon’ble Dr. B. R. Ambedkar PREFACE The Deccan Sabha of Poona invited me to deliver an address on the 101st birthday of the late Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade […]


MEMORANDUM I Record of my talk to the Buddhist Sasana Council of Burma 1. To spread Buddhism outside Burma be one of the aims of the Sasana Council then India is the first country they should make the centre of their effort. No other country; will yield so much as India will. 2. The reason […]

Waiting For A Visa

Waiting for a Visa  Foreigners of course know of the existence of untouchability. But not being next door to it, so to say, they are unable to realise how oppressive it is in its actuality. It is difficult for them to understand how it is possible for a few untouchables to live on the edge […]

CASTES IN INDIA Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development

CASTES IN INDIA Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development Paper read before the Anthropology Seminar of Dr. A. A. Goldenweizer at The Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. on 9th May 1916 Many of us, I dare say, have witnessed local, national or international expositions of material objects that make up the sum total of human civilization. […]

Is there any reason behind ‘Jai Bhim’?

JAI BHIM- the greeting used by the Ambedkarites, coined by L. N. Hardas an ardent follower of Dr. Ambedkar, chief secretary of the Independent Labour Party (ILP) and in-charge (C.P and Berar). Origin of the slogan Jai Bhim: Babu Hardas was not comfortable with “Jai Rama-pati” (ostensibly a reference to Ambedkar) with which he was […]


BACKGROUND:  Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar  prescribed these vows so that: 1. There may be complete severance of bond with the old Hindu customs that promote superstition and caste which in turn hinders fraternity, human progress and scientific temper 2. To protect Buddhism from unnecessary confusion, contradictions and adulteration These vows were administered by Babasaheb […]

Why did Dr. B. R. Ambedkar reject the case of Bhagat Singh ?

Following is the answer by Pavel to the question asked by Dr. Ambedkar critics  When did Dr. Ambedkar reject the case and who asked him to defend Bhagat Singh? A surge in questions on why Ambedkar did not defend Bhagat Singh are on the rise to divert attention from why the Congress/RSS/Brahmins/Sikhs rejected to defend Bhagat Singh. Around the […]